2021 Summer Camp Updates
This page was updated March 11, 2022.
The Government of Nova Scotia had not updated the 2021 Overnight Camp Guidelines and is moving to Phase 3 of "Living with COVID" on March 21, 2022. As of today, the Summer Day Camp Guidelines state: Recreational day camps (indoor and outdoor) can operate with up to 30 people (excluding staff and volunteers) in each individual camp group without social distancing or multiple groups of 30 people each with social distancing between groups. Each group needs to be a consistent group. Wearing a mask is required for staff, volunteers and campers.
As of February 28, 2022, the PEI Government has made the following changes to it's overnight camp guidelines: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-and-wellness/camps-and-day-programs-guidance
On May 26, we were informed that, "Camps are permitted to operate in PEI this summer, with operational plans in place adhering to the public health measures in place." This is awesome news for our PEI member camps!
On the morning of Wednesday, May 19th, there was a NS Community Sector meeting. At this meeting, Dr. Strang confirmed in his own words, “more than likely overnight summer camps will be able to open with restrictions. We are working with their association [CANSPEI] for re-opening guidelines.” It’s good news for our camps, and makes the CANSPEI board very hopeful for a positive outcome for this coming summer.
Members of the CANSPEI board met in mid-April with Dr. Robert Strang to discuss the opening of summer camps for the summer of 2021. To read an update about that meeting, click here.
The CANSPEI board has put together a list of resources both from the camping world and other related sectors that might be of use to you as you consider the future of programming at your camp. You can find that list by clicking here.
If you want to know the status of any specific camp CANSPEI member camp, we recommend that you contact that camp directly.

COVID-19 Update
As we get closer to the summer, we are sure COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind as it relates to summer camps and outdoor education centres.
The CANSPEI board members are working to provide the most up to date information for camps as it becomes available. We will continue to provide updates on an as needed basis through the CANSPEI website.
Please know we are working on information relevant to camp operations as a precaution. At this time, we are not offering details on any specific camp operations as we are too far out from the start of camp and it is unknown what the situation will be like over the next month or two. We continue to monitor the situation closely, and will provide recommendations and best practices as necessary.
At this time we suggest camps take the following actions:
Ensure you have clear, up to date Infectious Disease protocols. COVID-19 falls under the infectious disease protocols as would any infectious disease.
If you accept international campers or staff, please contact the organizations you work with and begin conversations around COVID-19.
Consider reaching out to families with a statement from your camp – you can get a template here.
We suggest you check with your insurance company and discuss your business interruption coverage in case of potential closure.
Visit your local public health department website as they will have information about COVID-19 specific to your area.
Check out these links to resources for further information:
Public Health Agency of Canada - Guidance for Schools K-12 and Childcare Programs COVID-19
Public Health Nova Scotia - Coronavirus Resource Site
Public Health PEI - Prince Edward Island Guidelines for the Management and Control of COVID-19
Health Canada - COVID-19 Website
World Health Organization - Information for Members of the Public
In the meantime, you can help yourself and educate those around you to help diminish the risk of transmission and spread of misinformation. Please head to the World Health Organization (WHO) website, and read their update.
CANSPEI is here to support our members, and between our board of directors and our committees, the situation is continuously being monitored.
As this situation is fluid, we ask you to keep up to date through the resources links provided above on an ongoing basis.